Tuesday 17 November 2015

Health and Safety

When filming we had to think about if there was any health and safety risk for our models and ourselves. We had to think about how the props we were using such as the fan could cause hair. The fan was heavy in weight therefore when putting it together; it took two of us to put it up. We had to make sure that we didn’t drop it as it could injury us; therefore we had to make sure we were holding onto the handles securely and had a good grip also. We also had make sure that no ones hair got caught in the fan, so make sure our hair was tied back when turning it on and assembling it. 

When shooting the confetti canon we had to tell the models to make sure they popped it away from their face and away from anyone else’s and make sure it was arm length away from them when they did, so they did not cause harm as if they popped it in someone’s it could seriously hurt their eyes/face.

Also during the pillow fight, we had to make sure that the girls did not hit each other to hard to cause harm and that the feathers did not get into their eyes. So we showed them how to to look like they were hitting each other hard but not to hurt the other person

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