Thursday 19 November 2015

Plot Synopsis

Home Advert

This advert will start by showing a boy traveling with a gift, and walking along the street towards his crushes house and ringing the doorbell and leaves the gift at the girls doorstep and run away. Meanwhile, the phone is shown texting about the boy to her friend. Following the girl hears the doorbell, opens the door to see no one is there and sees the gift left wondering who from. Then the0re is a flash-forward of the girl and boy being together the following Christmas, doing festive Christmas activities together. 
 This advert will show different groups of people for example in winter wear, young men in suits/work wear and also young children in christmas jumpers. This is a way of reaching out wide target audience and also advertising a range of products. will 0
Fashion advert

This advert will show different groups of people for example girls in pyjamas, a couple in winter wear, young men in smart, work wear and also young children in Christmas jumpers. This is a way of reaching our wide target range and also advertising a range of products. This will be set in a photography studio in order to get the look we want.

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