Tuesday, 12 April 2016

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout the process of our final tasks we used many different media technologies to assist us. We both agree that the help of these  technologies has played a big role in each aspect of the course and therefore helped us to create our successful final piece and without them most tasks would have proven really hard to execute. I  have learnt a lot form the following different media products and they have inspired me to sort with blogging out of school as I enjoyed it so much.

 Firstly, to record our progress and journey of construction, research, planning and evaluation, we chose to use 'Blogger". This was due to the fact that we hadn’t worked with blogs before, and this site seemed easy to use and work with. Its really interesting, and we have both taught ourselves how to use it to its advantage in the advance settings. 

Another reason that we decided to use “blogger” was because it was easy to access, meaning that we could work anywhere with Internet access, using phones, laptops and iPads. Also another really useful function that made blogger a good platform to use, is that you can also write blog posts when offline, and they can be saved as a draft , comeback and finish a draft and upload when ready and completed. This worked in our favor as it mean that when we were on busses, in the car or even just out of a Wi-Fi zone, we could both still be working on blog posts. Also we were able to add images and videos easily to the blogger without any difficultly, the simplicity  of blogger is why we choose it 

We also had to create a time plan to stick to, and creating reminders to help us keep on top of things.  We simply used the table function in PowerPoint to create our table, and we save it so that we could tick off and upload updates to the blog when each section was completed. Secondly the use of our iPhones allowed us to plan and manage our time successfully and as we were also on them, we could always check to see our progress

We were able to put dead line, reminders and to do lists into the calendar, and share them with one a other meaning that we always had a reminder of when something was due/ needed to be done. This again worked really well when it came to keeping on top of the work as we were both able to access the same calendar and update one another with what was done/needed to be done. These technologies weren’t new to us as every day phone/PowerPoint  users, but this was good as we didn't have the time to learn lots of new software so we used our knowledge of programs that we already knew.

When it came to research stage, the main two programs we used were Google, and You Tube. Two sites that we are both familiar with and therefore were able to quickly and efficiently access already existing media products to analyse. The information we found was then written into Microsoft word – before we uploaded it to the blog. This is easily accessible via laptop, and iPad and it allowed for our posts to be spell checks and corrected and edit font of our choice before they were uploaded. 
We also used PowerPoint to present our work. This allowed for us to create attractive looking and easy to read. 

When building of our product it started to become more challenging. This was the filming stage of the project. We decided to use the Cannon 1100D, four Cannon ?? For our fashion advert to get different angles during the shoot, along with a tripod and two different lenses to allow for different perspectives and shots. These can be seen in our "what camera post" It took a lot of getting used to for both of us when it came to these, as we had never worked with the camera and all of its different settings and functions before. We used it to our advantage, as we were able to auto and manually focus, adjust and zoom, and change the lighting. We used Canon ???  To film as it was flexible when we were contently moving location. It adjusted well to every scenario and was able to pick up audio also. We use cannon ??? In our web pop and hand transition as it allowed for us to take clear and attractive shots to include in our video. We also used this camera for the web pop up photo shoot as it produced clear and detailed images which were perfect for the use we need them for, also we became so familiar with the cameras that it would have been silly to change them.

When it came to downloading and storing the videos, we used the Apple Macs in school. The media studio was our base as we soon found that once you start editing on one computer, you have to stick with the same computer for the rest of the task. This was a slight challenge as it meant that we didn't have the flexibility to edit our footage at home, however we made it work by spending extra time work in school, and our time at home to write up blog posts – this seems most effective in helping us to get everything done.

The programs we used to help us create the video product were iMovie. It was easy to use and work our way around. We became very advanced with the software as we manages to teach ourselves hour to use the “green screen”, “ken burns”, “Twin Screen” and “double shooting” and "add text" modes in iMovie to help make our video more dynamic and interesting. 

While the video creating our video, we also needed to put together the final music cuts for both short and long adverts. We used Mac’s “garage band” to do this as it allowed us to add a Christmas jiggle at the beginning of "sax and to go right into the track and cut to very precise detail. It was really difficult to use as we were very use to this software but was fun also because we were able to play with tempo pitch and volumes – we did however just cut the music as we didn't want the song to sound distorted our out of place.

After uploading the web pop up photos to the Mac, we imported them into Photoshop to edit them, but also to create the basis of our banner ad. It was a long and hard process to make pop up, however once we came up with the basic knowledge of the look we wanted and how to create that look, we became faster and better at finishing the rest. We had to change the backgrounds to different colours of each model and add in our logo, website link and "15% OFF%. Once we established were we wanted everything to go it become easier to construct.
 Photoshop also allowed to edit the  models, to get rid of blemishes but we could also give them more of a vibrant look which made them stand out in the web pop up, helping to appeal to and attract the target audience.

These newly edited images were then exported into and online program called “GIFMAKERME”. This allowed for the web pop up to be easily put together. It allowed us to chose the exact speed and time of which the pictures changed, and it was really straight forward to use meaning that we didn't have to waste any time as it was pretty easy to use. Once we made it the web pop up using this website, it was easy to download and save in the correct format that allowed for it to be accessible. However, when uploading the web-pop up to my blog it did not deem to loop and therefore not being affective. If we made a web-pop up again, we would look for an alternative gif maker software that would create a more realistic web pop-up that loops 

When it came to evaluation stages, we used  “word” to type it up. This meant that we could have it spell checked before the upload. We both created a Gmail account as well, so throughout all of the posts and evaluation, we were able to exchange files so that we both conveyed the right information. It also allowed for us to proof read each other’s work. This allowed for our blogs having a more professional finish.

Overall, the different technologies that we learnt to use have made us interested in further blogging and also learn how to use different technologies we may have not used before. We didn't really realise how much we would enjoy it, take pride in it and it has now become a new found passion for the both of us. The other technologies we used will assist us in these new hobbies as we are always going to need to upload different media element to make the blog creative, interesting and effective. The course has not only given us a newfound knowledge of blogging but has also allowed for us to work on our time management skills, which will always be useful for future work.

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