Monday 7 March 2016


When it came to filming, I took lead in the fashion advert and sponsorship sequences, while Emily took lead for the home advert and we both assisted each other when the other filmed.

Fashion Advert

 For the transition of the scenes the camera will be covered up so Emily demonstrated to show the girls what they will need to do, where they need to stand and area to move in to stay in shot. This is the second scene in the advert, which is the nightwear scene. They will cover up the lens of the camera with the pillow as a way of advertising the product from our store but also a fun way to transition to the other scene.

In our fashion advert there are different scenes representing different groups of people and products. When filming the first scene with  Niamh and Sean, Emily demonstrated what to do with the mistletoe to make it easier for them for what type of connection, distance between them so we can fit both of the in the shot and how to make them act and look natural like they are about to kiss.

We did a POV (POINT OF VIEW) onto Keira's phone looking like it was her view of her phone and of her texting. This is effective and interesting for the audience and uses a range of shots which will make the advert more appealing

We used a range of angles and shots to make the advert interesting. Here we used a wide angle/ establishing shot to show the background and the surroundings. Showing the time of year and the location of the filming.

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