Saturday, 19 December 2015

Web pop-up Creating

i took lead on making the web pop-up and had the assistance of Emily.I firstly brought the images into photoshop to resize the image and firstly tired to edit the background to a different colour as for each person we will put different backgrounds colours to make them look bright and stand out. However I found to difficult to do this, so therefore i decided using powerpoint will be more easier.

As you can see when changing the background it tinted the models faces to the same colour, i tried to lighten just the faces after making the backgrounds different colours, but it still looked odd. I also tried to crop the model out and then add them back in but i found powerpoint was the easiest thing to use and manipulate the image and background and add text compared to photoshop and still presents the same result but is easier to use. 
Here i easily changed the background to the colours i wanted, for all three models. I also added my text using the font of my brand name so therefore carrying out sophisticated theme. I  could easily manipulate the size of text and length of the text. I could add in a glow behind the 'shop now' which will make it stand out and matches each background. The text clearly shows what is on sale and we also add our website to look like a hyperlink so the our audience could press and go directly to our website.


After editing and making the images look how i wanted and add the text and got them the right size, i went to a gif maker and uploaded the images and created a gif and downloaded it and there the gif was made and can now be uploaded on the blog.

Friday, 18 December 2015

Advert 1 Mock-up & Feedback

The initial research into pre-existing adverts has allowed me to bring together the typical conventions and our own ideas to help me shoot with the assistance of Emily, create our first mock up of our advert. I shot our advert in London and part in a home setting, which allowed to Emily putting together a clear story line and adding of music and editing of scenes. It was challenging videoing in London, Oxford street and the underground due to the mass of people which become a problem when videoing on the tube. However it allowed us to show our location clearly and also our models and the storyline. After completing the mock up we thought we would gather feedback from our target audience to see what works and what we need to improve on.

It is clear the location of London has become difficult and many of our audience say that it is not essential for the advert to be based in London, but agree the second part filmed at home, is well shot and affective and clear, but we should re think how to create the meeting of the couple which will be effective and not complicated when it came to videoing. We may need to go back to the drawing board and come up with our idea.

Although the location made it look ‘high end’ many said it wasn’t personal or connected with them as any existing advertisements do.  Many said we needed to work on shorter clips, as our scenes are too long and needs to run smoother and get to the ‘point. Also use different angles to create more of an impact and make it interesting and give depth as then using one straight on angle.
Taking the feedback into consideration, we decided that I should conduct another storyboard and some test shots to see what is suitable.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Time Update

This is our time update, we have done clearly planning for our adverts, sponsorship sequence an web-pop throughout the money with help with our research we did earlier. We are not ready for experimenting our plans using our storyboards.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Wardrobe Plans


As the men in our advertisement will be promoting smart, work wear we will get them to wear high-end fashionable suits in all different ranges of styles. Therefore will ensure that smart look is nearly shown along with smart causal look in order to appeal to all our audience.

Our girls in our fashion advert will be advertising sleepwear so they must be wearing trendy and fashionable pyjamas. We will make sure they are different ranges for pyjamas worn on a full range of girls of different height/weight/race to therefore appeal to our audience. In our home advert, Keira will be wearing winter clothing, for example a winter jumper and jeans which must be fashionable and follow the upcoming trends that our target audience will want to have. In our web-pop our models will wear winter coats so overall our models will be dressed in high end fashionable wear to attract our target audience to buy our product. They will be warm and fit the Christmas theme and also look of good quality to ensure that our store make sure we keep the high standard. 

In the UK, Christmas jumpers became popular during the 80-90s. We want the young children to wear Christmas jumpers in our advert because recently have become highly fashionable and will clearly show the Christmas theme we are promoting. In 2014, the Daily Telegraph described them as ‘this season’s must have’ therefore we going to jump on to what is in fashion. 

Saturday, 28 November 2015


In order to create the best possible advert we decided that we need to test a various pieces of equipment. We practiced with a range of cameras allowing us to find out which one was best for us.

Canon AXH1
This camera gave us high quality footage and allowed for us to change the setting as to what kind of environment we were in. This camera comes with a range of different setting, which may be useful when shooting my adverts, as they will be shot in different environments, for example the woods. This camera is the high quality of footage, which is important when filming TV advertisement. However it only comes with one tape, which may be seen as a negative because it doesn’t save into separate video clips onto a memory stick, this makes it more difficult when editing the footage.

Canon EOS 1100 
A major positive about this camera is the size is smaller like in comparison to the Canon AXH1 which is handheld size which means it is easier to transport, therefore being able to hold and carry to a variety of locations which is very useful when filming. Also this camera is the ability to change the lenses to suit the environment I decide to shoot in. This will be useful when filming my first advert when I want to film from a distance. This camera also allows the option to automatic and manually focus the camera, therefore I have control over the quality of the video.

Canon Powershot S5
This camera is a compact, it is easy to transport around when taking it to different locations, which is good for what we need to do when moving around location. This quality of this camera is good, which is again is one of the main conventions. There is a room for lenses to be changed on this camera as well. However the focus on this camera is automatic, so it does not give us full control over the footage. I don’t think that we will use camera only when doing hand transitions in the second advert.

Canon HG-10
This camera is the feature of that it is handheld and easy to transport, with an additional strap to keep the camera steady when holding it, this is a useful feature when you don’t want to use a tripod. The main positive being that it is designed specifically for taking video footage. This camera also has the ability to attach an audio device to increase the quality. Although it doesn’t have the same quality as the other camera above, but it’s the most supportable to use it.

Thursday, 26 November 2015


Above is a map and photos of London Underground and Oxford Street-John Lewis.  We have used to plan where we will be visiting in London. The places we have in mind are Oxford Street, Leicester Square, and the underground. and so on.  We have chosen these places because they are recognisable and the London is the shopping capital and where many people go during Christmas.

As well as filming in these areas we plan to film other recognizable British features. some of these ideas are:
·         London underground signs 
·         London busses / signs
·         Road Signs 
·         Shops fronts
·         Reflections in shop windows/
·         Christmas Products

We plan to use close ups, pull focus shots, and panning upward, worms eye views. These will all elevate the status of the city, showing the surroundings and also the Christmas lights within Oxford Street to show clearly the time of year/season we are trying to promote

We know that it is an unrealistic goal to task our entire advert in the city because it will be too hard to get all of the cast up, and take all of the equipment needed. However our plan it to film short footage that can be used as cutaways, so it gives the illusion that the whole thing was filmed in London, even though it isn't and also we will use our mock-up to see if filming in a train station and underground and train is practical and will allow us to produce good filming as they are usually overcrowded, therefore we will have to choose non-peak times.
We are hoping for a nice day so that the lighting is okay for us, and also that we don't have any rain. The
day we have planned to go is looking okay at the moment so we are hoping it starts that 

We doing out second fashion advert in the studio which gives it that edge and unique setting and looks cool. It was an easy setting to use the snow, confetti and feathers easily and make it look real and not be complicated due to weather ect.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Rejected Models

Tolu (23) - Tolu was too short and her hair was far too bright which will distract away from the products we will be selling, therefore we did not use her in our campaign.
Martha (17) - We did not chose Martha as she has more of an edgy, indie look that does not fit with our 'high end' and sophisticated look we are aiming to project. Although she has the height and size and facial shape is ideal, she is not right for our campaign.Boys
Jayden (21) - We didn't use Jayden as he didn't have that look of a 'guy in a suit' look. Although he was tall and good looking he did not fit the conventions.

 Timi (20) - We did not choose Timi due to his indie and unique look. Although we like he is look it was not suitable for our campaign


In order for us to attract right audience, Emily and I understand that it is important that we choose the correct models of which will give the image and look we desire to promote to our audience

Fashion Advert and Sponsorship Sequence
When we discussed ideas of models we wished to use, we both agreed that we want our aim to be to challenge Laura Mulvey’s ‘male gaze’ theory. We want the girls in our advert need to be ideal ‘girl next door’ attractive and however not completely for the male audience, they will appeal to girls as being unique women and following their style and idealise them and for the male audience to be attractive. In a similar way the idea of the ‘female gaze’ is also to be challenged as we will not have boys shirtless or the boys being particularly muscular but them being in smart suits will portray our high end style and will attract women nevertheless.

By using men and women in our advert this helps to keep a wide target audience which is important for the company as through advertising they must reach their audience. Also we have used young boys which bring youth to the advert which is way of reaching families. We thought that it would be important to use different ages models in order to target our audience.
Left to right: Ireland- 21, Paige - 22, Mary - 20 and Ciara - 20

Ciara – We chose Ciara as she is a natural pretty girl and a girl next-door look that’s what we aimed to have in the pyjama girl scene, as they will be wearing minimum makeup, that’s why we choice her.

Ireland – we picked Ireland as she is conventional tall and pretty and that ideal look for our target audience but also to has a natural look we are aiming for, so that’s why we chose her.
Mary – We chose Mary due to bring in diverse ethnicity to our advert to appeal to all types of people and also have a pretty natural look also we are aiming for, therefore that why we chose her. 

.Paige - Although Paige is short than the other girls, we believed it was important to have a range of girls to show that our product is aimed a variety for people. 

We chose these 4 girls to the model in our advertisement because they are all different, for example, heights, hair colour and race. We believed this is important to reach a wider target audience.  However we chose girl who are aged around 20 years old. As this is the middle age of our target audience. This is the best way to target the most people was to use these models. Also we chose these girls because they all know each other so when filming it would be more productive as there would be chemistry and a sense of friendship between the four girls having real fun. This is good so our audience will be inspired by the models.
Musau – we chose Musau as he brings ethnic diversity to our advert and also youth so this helps attract our wider audience, especially because they carry a cute factor so this will attract mothers also.
Josh – we chose John because his age and also because he is young and also the contrast between Musau and himself including ethnicity and height. 


Sean – We chose Sean because he fits the look that we wanted, he is tall, facial hair and is tanned/ dark skin which connects with ethnic diversity and will attract that side of our target audience. He also follows the trend and high end style we are promoting.

Niamh - We chose Niamh because she has that ‘girl next door’, pretty look with long blonde wavy hair and natural look makes her a perfect fit for our advert.

We chose Niamh and Sean to be the couple in our advert because they look good together as Niamh and shorter than Sean, therefore they look like an ideal stereotypical couple. Also they get on well in real life therefore avoids awkward and looks natural.

The boys we chosen for this advert were Alex (19), Sean (19), Luke (20) and Jason (19). We also chose these boys aged 19-20 as this age is in the middle of our target audience so by using so by using these models we believe that we will be successful when attracting our target audience.

Alex – We chose Alex because he fits perfectly with the stereotypical model type that is usually seen on existing TV advert, that prominent jaw line, tall ideal boy which will attract girls of the similar age and also boys this age to be like him.
Sean – Sean is not the typical look of existing models of the television so we thought we should challenge these conventions, therefore we used him. This will help to appeal to our target audience as it will show that anyone can buy our product.
Luke – We chose Luke because he is tall and has a good looking face and also very tall and also follows the rend that we are trying to promote

Jason – We chose Jason because he is shorter than the other boys and also has tanned skin so this will help appeal to a wider audience.

Again with the boys, they all knew each other which I felt was important so there was a natural connection and interaction between them. We felt that having a range of different look boys will help us to reach our wider audience.

Adam and Keira (18 yrs old)

Adam and Keira – We chose these two people because we wanted a real life couple so the acting was natural and more realistic. This will help to avoid the relationship in the advert look awkward and forced and therefore it looks natural and real. We chose this couple because Adam is taller than Keira and also they look good together because of their hair colour and skin tone. This young couple finding love in the advert will appeal to a wider target audience because everyone can relate to young love.

Ann (45+)  - We used Ann in our web pop-up as at the beginning we explained that our brand was for families which includes everyone, therefore we had to include a whole range of gender, ethnicities and of course age. Ann was perfect fit for our advert and would appeal to our older audience. She will model our women winter coats. She will clearly show we are a brand that appeals to everyone and has products for everyone and will appeal to everyone. She is key to our advertisement campaign. We also used her as she was easy to access and was available for use, unlike other adults we tried to find available were busy with work etc when we needed them. This explains why we don't have more adults within our campaign and why most of our models are younger as we had more access to them. However having at least one will show that are our target audience is a wide range of people of a wide range of age, genders and ethnicities.