Monday 4 January 2016

Final Soundtrack

We choose two songs that have only recently been released, and it seemed to have a really interesting beats and also match both of our adverts and sequence to it. As it is so popular, and has been number one in the charts all over the world for weeks, it provides a song that will appeal to both male and female audience and all different age groups.

We looked at a variety of songs, included iconic Christmas song such as Mariah Carey ‘All I Want For Christmas is You’ which we first felt was good but we realised that existing adverts that Christmas songs are not used but usually a current song. We could clearly see that our song choice of 'Sax’ By Fleur East for our 2nd advert (clothing) and Sponsorship and  as the main advert the song will be ‘One call away’ by Charlie Puth. 

Sax is upbeat song, will make our audience feel good about themselves, and it will link in with clothing which will make them feel maybe our clothing will make them feel good also. It will attract all types of people of race, gender and age and it is recent and been the charts it will be well known. One call away is suitable for our main advert due to the lyrics and the meaning behind song which links in with the storyline of our advert. The lyrics ‘I just wanna give you love' will link in with our catchphrase 'find everything you love this Christmas' and also the couple will find each other in the advert which links with the song as well.  
Sax by Fleur East

One call away’by Charlie Puth

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